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bClear Communications


Top Finance Podcasts

Top Finance Podcasts

The basics Understand: The Economy - BBCThis 16-part BBC podcast series goes back to basics to discuss the economy. Each episode breaks down a different topic, covering everything from GDP to pensions and the energy market. Money 101 - BBCThe premise of the BBC...

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Crisis comms at Christmas: Santa’s PR nightmare

Crisis comms at Christmas: Santa’s PR nightmare

Christmas 2024 was supposed to be the merriest yet. But the unthinkable happened: Santa’s naughty-or-nice database was hacked. Worse, it wasn’t a garden-variety cyber breach. The hackers—presumably elves disgruntled over unpaid overtime—released a revised list,...

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KISS it: why simple language scoops

KISS it: why simple language scoops

“If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter” said author Mark Twain. The ‘KISS principle’ of keeping communications short and simple has been popular since the 1970s. So how come some 50 years later, we still see printed ramblings of jargon-filled...

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Top 5 PR podcasts

Top 5 PR podcasts

PR is ever-changing and evolving. Luckily, there is a host of podcasts that can keep you ahead of the curve on industry trends, topical news and insights. PR podcasts can give us direct access to some of the most influential and experienced people in the industry. But...

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Wrong trousers for the right reasons

Wrong trousers for the right reasons

The bClear team are wearing their most wacky, wild and wrong trousers for the right reasons: to donate to help raise money for Wallace and Gromit’s Wrong Trousers Day, inspired by Ardman’s Oscar-winning stop-motion film. Wallace and Gromit’s charity, The Grand Appeal,...

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Pumpkin Spice Latte: Perfect drink or perfect PR?

Pumpkin Spice Latte: Perfect drink or perfect PR?

Falling leaves, cosy knit jumpers and Pumpkin Spice Lattes (PSL) on the menu: it must be autumn. Starbucks’ pumpkin spice lattes have come of age – they turned 21 this year and they’re not just a drink but a cultural phenomenon. You can’t turn a corner or scroll...

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How to get in touch

Whether you’ve got an urgent need for effective PR for your business, or just want to find out more about how we work, we’re always happy to chat.